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Google Apps script tutorial- An Introduction

In this first Google apps script tutorial post, we are going to learn basic things like what is google apps script, prerequisite, features, and limitations.

Google Apps script tutorial

It is a scripting language used to automate its own products such as gsheets(Google sheets), docs, Gmail etc., and the third party services. Sometimes, it’s shortly called as GAS (Google Apps Script). Syntax is similar to JavaScript. But unlike JavaScript which runs on the client side, this runs on the server side.


Here is the definition of apps script:

“Google Apps Script is a JavaScript cloud scripting language that provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third party services and build web applications.”



Before start learning Google apps script tutorial, you need below three prerequisites:


Features of Apps Script


Limitation of Apps Script


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In the next Google apps script tutorial, we’ll see the GAS variables declaration

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