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How to export youtube video comments

Youtube video comments act as an interaction medium between you and your audience.

In a single YouTube video, you can find different categories of comments.

Some comments give an idea or act as triggering point for the next video, some youtube comments give encouragement to do more videos on the topic, some comments contain greetings and sometimes it’s common to hit by negative comments.

YouTube comments analysis is the best idea of bringing more traffic to YouTube channel.

To do the analytics. you must download or get all comments from Youtube video to your personal computer.

You can’t simply do the analytics by scrolling down each and every comment on the YouTube video or by expanding the reply comments. So, you must extract youtube comments first.

☞ Learn how to export your YouTube playlist to CSV

Why do you want to export youtube video comments?

Youtube itself has an option to view all comment history but has no option to download all youtube comments.

So, in this post, we are going to see how to extract youtube comments from your videos.

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Is there any app to download youtube comments?

There are so many tools in the market like youtube comment scraper, youtube comment extractor but those are just doing the web scraping and after few days of using the tool, it’ll be banned by Youtube search engine since it is against Youtube terms.

But, this can be done with an amazing chrome plugin.

It has numerous features and one such feature is to downloading youtube comments to your local drive,

You can explore the entire list of plugin features here.

Explore 64+ Tubebuddy Features

How to easily export youtube video comments?

It’s very simple. Just follow the below steps.

First, Sign Up and Install plugin on your chrome browser.

Go to Youtube Dashboard and at the top right you can see TB icon. Click on it and you can see the options as shown below

Click “My Videos“, it will take you to your video page

Select the video that you want to export the comments. Next to Edit option you can see an icon. Click the TB icon.

You will get a drop down, in that under “MISC” you can see “ Export comments “, just click on it to export youtube video comments.

You will get  a popup message as shown below

Once you click “OK” it will be downloaded in ZIP format, Extract the file and see the comments 🙂 That’s it!

Below are the comment details of your videos

  1. Video Id
  2. Comment Date
  3. Channel Id
  4. Channel Name
  5. Total Replies
  6. Comment

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Let me know if you have any doubts.

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